Before I returned to Setapak, I was just wandering alone,
Msn, Facebook.. Then at around 4 something, I drove back to Setapak.
That time I actually feel a bit moody, because I dint receive any wishes from him.
That time, I knew one thing, we cant force anythings that is not belongs to you.
Even everyday you dream about it, you think about it,
cant means cant.
I got a surprise from my dearest house mates!!
I dint expect to celebrate my birthday..
Moreover, it's Sunday. I thought I will only receive wishes from friends.
I'm very happy ..
This DIY birthday card made by Soke Sien, Siew Hie and Siaw Wei.
Originally there is nothing at the front page, the "Happy Birthday" plat was then only added after we ate the birthday cake. It was placed above the birthday cake.
Besides, they also did a power point slide show with a birthday song.
I really surprised and also touching..
My birthday cake.. About 3 quarter ate by me.. *full~*
Then today, at 21:21 sharp, I received a present from 12 people.
It's a red huge watch, very nice. But I dont know if I wear it on my wrist it will look nice.
My room mate and I decided to go to the Masquerade Ball, Dada too..
I'm looking forward to the ball.. haha..
However, He's not coming.. T.T
Lastly, I really want to thanks to all my friends who wished me,
thanks to Him also although his wishes a bit bit late..
thanks to those who have done so hard to surprise me,
made my 21 birthday a meaningful and memorable day I ever have among these 21 years.
I'm really glad to know you all guys!!
Thank you so much! I Love You all!! Muacks!!